The LEARNING library

Bracing for 2023

Does this email look familiar to you? Unfortunately, due to Covid, we had to postpone last week’s show and rebroadcast a former show. However, we’re back and feel better than ever. Looking forward to spending the hour with you!

The ever-changing income scene as well as potential opportunities you might take never cease to amaze. But at least it gives us more to talk about than the unseasonable weather lately.

First, we will discuss the impact of 8.7% increase in Social Security – specifically, how it will impact those who are not yet collecting, and how it will affect the Social Security Trust Fund. Second, the Medicare situation also bears watching as we continue to observe how that performs. Finally, given the declines we’ve seen in the stock market last year as well as the anticipated volatility this year, we will examine how to best approach 2023 for opportunities and cautions.

So much to think about and so little time! We look forward to talking about these and other subjects, as well as answering your questions, today at 10 a.m. (rebroadcast Saturday at 9 a.m.). Tune in and take control!