The LEARNING library

Taking Advantage of a Slowing Economy

On today’s show, get ready for a listening adventure as we discuss … the economy! Specifically, we’ll talk about navigating the current economy in a world of uncertainty, as well as charitable giving through the lens of the IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution. So, strap on your helmets as we attempt to determine what’s happening and whether we are heading into a recession. (There, I said it.) Technically, however, a recession occurs when there are two successive quarters of declining gross domestic product. For an economy to tip into recession is not a stretch, but it always seems to be a worrisome thought for those who are concerned about the economy. Also, Dennis and Nathan will make this show an all-guys trio along with the host Ron Jolly. We’ll have lots of stats and information to assist you with the reality of a slowing economy and position yourself to take advantage.

Tune in and take control!